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  • Tags: 2020

The Granville Village Green, October 2020. Photo by Scott Loomis, copyright 2020.

Scarecrow Reunion and Trick or Treat Trail event at the West Granville Congregational Church, Halloween 2020 (31 October). A fun time was had by all…

An article published in the Journal of Antiques and Collectibles, by Judy Gonyeau with Jay Jones, sixth-generation owner of Noble & Cooley.

Comet Neowise photographed from Granville, July 17, 2020 around 9:30. Location: Northwest sky, find the big dipper, then look below the cup of the…

1. Notices in front of the library, summer 2020. 2. Outdoor Story Time: Linda Dickinson entertains the kids with a story, October 3, 2020. 3 & 4.…

Toby, the Fillion family dog enjoying the sun. 19 April 2020. Toby is Granville's #1 dog and has the license tag to prove it.

Beginning in February 2019 Carolyn Donatini began writing a monthly article for the Granville "Country Caller." The articles for 2020 appear on this…

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