1. Click on "Browse Items" to go to the Items page.
2. On the Items page select the "Sort" method you prefer. If you want to see the most recently added items first, sort by "Date Added" with most recent date first.
3. Click on the first thumbnail image on the Items page. This will take you to the individual item page for the first item.
4. At the bottom of each item page you can click on "Next" or "Previous" to navigate from item to item.
5. Note that if are looking at most recent items first you will be progressing from highest to loweet Item Number. You will need to select "Previous" at the bottom of the Item Page to progress to the previous/next lower item number. Selecting "Next" takes you to the next higher number. This is technically logical but somewhat counterintuitive.
1. To view a full screen image of any item, click on the image on the individual item page.
7. Each full screen image has a zoom function to further enlarge and zoom in on any image.