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A group of Granville men who gathered to cut wood for Joe Dickinson, who had been shot in a hunting accident.A note with the photo indicates it was…
Event programs for the Granville Community Fair. These programs are digitized and available in full at the Granville Library page at Internet Archive.…
Howard Short was a student at the Hartford Seminary. He boarded at the Nelson farm in West Granville and preached at the West Granville Church,…
A play held on May 13, 1931 at the Grange building on Granby Road. The building was to the right of the library and is now gone.
Wedding photo, Helen Alvina Hansen (6/20/12 -1/15/98) and Charles Louis Drolett, Jr. (6/2/09 - 10/1/70), taken 6/17/31. This image from FB via DL…