Wedding Photo: Helen Alvina Hansen and Charles Louis Drolett, Jr., June 17, 1931
Wedding Photo: Helen Alvina Hansen and Charles Louis Drolett, Jr., June 17, 1931
Wedding photo, Helen Alvina Hansen (6/20/12 -1/15/98) and Charles Louis Drolett, Jr. (6/2/09 - 10/1/70), taken 6/17/31. This image from FB via DL Morris on 6/4/18.
Crowd-source information from Granville-Tolland Community FB group:
1. People In The Photo (information provided by Marie Tripp Holcomb, who is in the photo):
1st Row: Ed Roberts, Earl Tripp, Lena Hansen Perla, Marjorie Hansen, Connie Barry.
2nd Row: Ethel Tripp, Marie Tripp, Leonard Roberts, Grandma Hansen, Grandpa Hansen (the baby he is holding is believed to be Lorraine Holcomb Evans, born April 17, 1931), Evelyn Kane, Henry Hansen,
3rd Row: Harold Beckwith, Don Barry, Helen (Hansen) Drolett, Charles Drolett, Mort Kane, Christine Kane, holding Harry Kane, Blanche Hansen,
4th Row: Ray Beckwith, Guy Hansen, Barbara Hansen, Evelyn Holcomb, Amos Holcomb,
Last Row: Dick Barry, Dora Barry, Ida Beckwith, Mary Roberts.
2. Location: The home of Morten Hansen (1858-1936) and Mary (Petersen) Hansen (1868-1959), in Granville (Grandma and Grandpa Hansen in the photo, the bride and groom are standing behind them).
Crowd-source information from Granville-Tolland Community FB group:
1. People In The Photo (information provided by Marie Tripp Holcomb, who is in the photo):
1st Row: Ed Roberts, Earl Tripp, Lena Hansen Perla, Marjorie Hansen, Connie Barry.
2nd Row: Ethel Tripp, Marie Tripp, Leonard Roberts, Grandma Hansen, Grandpa Hansen (the baby he is holding is believed to be Lorraine Holcomb Evans, born April 17, 1931), Evelyn Kane, Henry Hansen,
3rd Row: Harold Beckwith, Don Barry, Helen (Hansen) Drolett, Charles Drolett, Mort Kane, Christine Kane, holding Harry Kane, Blanche Hansen,
4th Row: Ray Beckwith, Guy Hansen, Barbara Hansen, Evelyn Holcomb, Amos Holcomb,
Last Row: Dick Barry, Dora Barry, Ida Beckwith, Mary Roberts.
2. Location: The home of Morten Hansen (1858-1936) and Mary (Petersen) Hansen (1868-1959), in Granville (Grandma and Grandpa Hansen in the photo, the bride and groom are standing behind them).
June 17, 1931
DL Morris, Val Roberts
Digital image: DL Morris
“Wedding Photo: Helen Alvina Hansen and Charles Louis Drolett, Jr., June 17, 1931,” Granville History Digital Collection, accessed February 7, 2025,