Granville Village School Students on Granville Library Steps, c. 1933

Children on Granville Library Steps.jpg


Granville Village School Students on Granville Library Steps, c. 1933


Children on the steps of the Granville Public Library. Believed to be 1933. This would be the last class to attend the old Village School on Granby Road, before the new Village School on Main Road was completed in December 1933 and occupied in January 1934.

Students identified in this photo (also see "Comments" below):

Duane Banks
Bud Beckwith
Marjorie Williams Webb Bloomberg
Marylin Wealthy Johnson

This photo was posted on the community FB page 20 May 2021 for crowd comments regarding date and identities. Comments as follows:

BW: "I think the fourth girl from the right in the second row is my Aunt Marilyn Wealthy Johnson in West Granville. She was one of four children of Henry and Bessie Johnson. My grandfather Henry was a long time road worker of the town until in his early 60's fell of the back of a truck shoveling sand onto the slippery road breaking his hip. I believe after that both he and my grandma Bessie worked for the Noble and Cooley Drum Factory."

DB: "BW, I remember your Grandfather, thought you were so lucky to have him living in his own cottage at your house. ❤️"

DJC: "I remember him well. I also dreamt of having a playhouse like his home! Thanks for sharing."

RCE: "Some of the facial expressions are amusing! The boys to the far right appear to be up to some mischief. 😂 thanks for sharing these wonderful pieces of Granville history."

BW: "RCE, Both sides of my family as well as my two sisters grew up in West Granville and I have much to share with you. My aunt Marilyn was on my mother's side and my father Robert Barnes was born and raised in the farm on Borderbrook Rd on the old farm next to the road going around the reservoir and he was born in 1930. He worked for the town until he retired in 1985 and left many close friends like the Sandman's, Paul Jensen, Melvin Jensen and Butch Schultz."

MPR: "Marie Holcomb said she recognized Bud Beckwith and Duane Banks and maybe Marjorie Webb. She didn’t tell me which ones they were but maybe someone else will recognize them if they see the names."

JWA: " I thought Marjorie Webb Bloomberg was the one with the dark hat and coat in the second row up. And Bud Beckwith is the one in the second row up on the left end possibly, blonde hair, white shirt. That face seemed familiar to me and Bud was one of our neighbors. Marjorie's daughter has confirmed that the one in the dark hat and coat is indeed Marjorie."

MPR: " It might be their graduation picture. Class of 1933, according to Linda Bloomberg DeMars."

JWA: "So 8th graders then?"

MPR: " That looks about right. The school was built in 1933 but Linda said her mother never went to the school we knew."

LDM: "My Mother Marjorie Williams Webb Bloomberg in the second row with a hat on. She graduated from high school 1937 and 8Th grade 1933."

JWA: "That's what I was wondering. Maybe the school opened in the fall of 1933. Big class! Some look so old, some so young!"

JWA: "Is Phyllis Pratt Woodger the tall girl with the white shirt and the two dark bows?"


Circa 1933


Digital Image: Granville Public Library Historical Room



“Granville Village School Students on Granville Library Steps, c. 1933,” Granville History Digital Collection, accessed September 15, 2024,


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