West Granville Parish News / Hill-Top-ics of West Granville, 1935


West Granville Parish News / Hill-Top-ics of West Granville, 1935


West Granville news


Volume 1, Numbers 1-10, 1935, of a 2-page newsletter. Numbers 1 and 2 are titles the West Granville Parish News. As the result of a contest to name the newsletter it was re-named The Hill-Top-Ics of West Granville." The contest prize was a free ticket to the Raspberry Shortcake Supper. The newsletter was initiated by Mr. Owen of the West Granville Congregational Church.


“West Granville Parish News / Hill-Top-ics of West Granville, 1935,” Granville History Digital Collection, accessed February 7, 2025, https://granvillehistory.omeka.net/items/show/836.


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