Wendy's Road Cabin

Irish Lane Cabin  001.tif


Wendy's Road Cabin


An abandoned cabin on the right side of Wendy's Road, off Main Road (Rt. 57) in Granville, Massachusetts.

The back of the photo has notes: Reagan Road (crossed out); on the right; and, Irish Lane.

Photographer and date unknown.

This photo was shared on the Granville - Tolland Facebook Community page on 26 Dec 2019. Some of the comments follow:

David C: I bought this property along with 14 acres from a lady whose married name is "Bookbinder". Her father was a doctor whose name I can't recall and he bought the property from Ralph Hiers. There are telephone poles going down to the cabin from Regan Rd. and as he was a doctor there was a phone but no electricity. The roof had collapsed when I bought it but I figured I could never get a permit to rebuild as it is so close to the brook. It had a wonderful fireplace with beautiful stonework.

BF: Me and my friends used to camp in it. We even occasionally made a little campfire in the fireplace.

LJ: There is a pond there. Danny Darling owned the cabin and would go hunting with Gary Johnson’s grandfather, Ernie Welcome who owed the property next to it and is still in the family.

David C: (reply to LJ) Your description is several hundred feet east of this property. Danny and Ruth Darling's pond is next to where the pipeline crosses Wendy's Rd. Danny never owned this property but he did have a camp closer to the pipeline and I think vandals burned it down about 1978 when we lost our own cabin next door. Ours was a very old house dating back to the Civil War. The cabin was once owned by a Hannah Rice who I would like to learn more about.

David C: I remember having an early breakfast at what was called "Shaunessy's Corner" sp? at the junction of Wendy's Rd. and Rt. 57 in 1960 before deer hunting. Does anybody remember this small eating place?

Darcy C: My grandma told me that North Lane #2..(today's North Lane was once Irish Lane and also Laurel Lane.

LKB: Wendy’s Rd was North Lane 1. My mom remembers an ice cream place on the corner of Wendy’s and 57 that we visited from Granby CT.

DS: I remember the smell of hamburgers when driving by right on the sharp hairpin turn.


“Wendy's Road Cabin,” Granville History Digital Collection, accessed December 11, 2024, https://granvillehistory.omeka.net/items/show/1211.


Timothy O'Keefe

Wendy's Lane is listed as "North Lane 1" on the older topographical maps.  Strangely, the newest topos have removed all traces of the roads that go up Seymour and Sweetman mountains.  Even the poweline roads are missing.  I hike this area regularly and am thrilled with all the cellar holes and stonewalls found along the roads and cart paths.  There's even a chimney on the slopes of Drake Mountain.  I would love to learn more about these forgotten neighborhoods of North Granville. 

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