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  • Tags: Village

Snowstorm of 29 Dec 1942, Hiers photo. Wilcox Hotel is on the right. Old Universalist Church (gone) steeple in the background. Granville Country Store…

Granville, Massachusetts Maps, 1870. Maps can be enlarged by clicking on the map.

1. Map of Granville
2. East Granville (Granville Center)

An interesting view of what is now the green. This is looking north from the fork in Granby Road near the Federated Church parking lot. The Granville…

Pictures of the blacksmith shop that was located at the south end of what is now the village green. It was owned by Augustine Holcomb (1818-1893). He…

Granville Village from the hill, taken from behind Wells(?) Roberts' house (now Nestrovich farm) on Main Road.

A collection of photos and postcards from and at high rock, overlooking Granville village. Also referred to as "Hi Rock."

This subject was…

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