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  • Tags: Ralph Hiers

Collapse of Ralph Hiers' barn located at 66 Granby Road, Granville, MA. The barn still standing in the photo is the current home of Cooley & Co.,…

In 1923 Granville brothers Herb and Ralph Hiers were part of a group known as "The Jolly Eight" who crossed the United States in their automobiles.The…

174 Granby Road, Granville, Massachusetts. Built by Ralph G. Hiers.
Photo by Herbert Hiers, Summer 1941
The home of Carl Beeman in 1941.

Two letters proposing that the Granville churches form a "Union Church." The 1903 letter is from David Lyman Kibbe, pastor or the Congregational…

The Mill in the Meadow was constructed in 1976 by Ralph Hiers, assisted by his grandson Matt Jones. Ralph was quite an expert in old mill sites in the…

The Granville baseball team, 1919. Names on reverse of photo.An earlier photo of the team is at THIS LINK.

Truckload of drums packed in cardboard crates, about to be driven to the point of shipping (typically by rail).
Shown in the picture, left to right:…

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