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44 Granby Road, Granville, Massachusetts
Photo: Summer 1941, taken by Herbert Hiers. The home of May Noble at that time.
Unknown person (T?) at Noble (Hospital?) and Middlefield.
From the Viola Elizabeth Bettinger (1899-1983) photo album. Viola Bettinger was a teacher…
Obituary: GRANVILLE – Marjorie Williams Webb Bloomberg, 93, died September 19, 2012 at the Wayland Nursing and Rehabilitation Home, Wayland, MA.…
Two letters proposing that the Granville churches form a "Union Church." The 1903 letter is from David Lyman Kibbe, pastor or the Congregational…
The Thompson family, who lived on Granville Hill on the right, opposite Nestrovich's (Main Road). Photo around 1925-30. Front: Charles B. Thompson and…
R. Barlow House, c. 1840, 488 Main Rd. MACRIS Inv. #GRN 74
Suzie Snelgrove contributed the following additional information; July 2020: "A little…