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A grainy newspaper item from 1966 when Mr. Austin Taylor Phelon celebrated his 100th birthday with family. Mr. Phelon was born in Granville on…

A discourse delivered by Rev. John Emerson, Pastor of the Congregational Church at Conway, MA. on the occasion of the ordination of Rev. Joel Baker…

Inventory of archives possessed by the Noble & Cooley Center for Historic Preservation (NCCHP) consisting of business records for the period 1880…

A brochure published by the Pioneer Valley History Network (PVHN) publicizing five "trail" days during the summer and fall of 2023. Each day features…

A flyer for the upcoming (or past, depending on when you read this) Living History event at the Noble & Cooley Center for Historic Preservation…

"A biographical sketch of an unfortunate city waif, early made a ward of the State of Massachusetts: yet who became in time a noble mother and New…

Thomas Osborne Rice was the pastor of the West Granville Congregational Church from 1885 until his death on August 15, 1888. In 1879 he was pastor in…

Notes written by Ruth Aldrich based on a black scrapbook from approx. the 1880's, belonging to either the Jones or Nelson family.

Notes written by Ruth Aldrich based on Anna Nelson's scrapbook, which used an old ledger book to paste in items of interest.

According to the note on the back of this photo it is Ben Jones, standing next to a very large tree. However the gentleman also resembles George…

Contributed by Deborah Boulanger: "West Granville 4-H Club that my Mom was the Leader. We called ourselves the West Granville Highlanders."

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