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  • Tags: Bicentennial

Photo Information:Photos with dark colored house in the background were taken in front of 25 Granby Road. It was the Falcetti home in 1976.Covered…

Pictures of the blacksmith shop that was located at the south end of what is now the village green. It was owned by Augustine Holcomb (1818-1893). He…

Dennis Clifford, 1939-2009

The gun is the "family musket" originally owned by Jonathan Aldrich, George Aldrich's great grandfather's…

Photo and a two page event program for the Washington Bicentennial Entertainment, Friday, August 19, 1932, in Granville, Massachusetts. Held at the…

A collection of photos relating to the Granville Bicentennial, June 26-27, 1854. Most of these photos are of the school student rehearsals before the…

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