Browse Collections (23 total)
To view a larger version of any photo, click on that photo, then click the image thumbnail on the photo's page. You will then see a full-size image…
A collection of photos for which identifying information is known (ie; who, what, when, where or why).
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Documents relating to Granville history.
To view a larger version of any document, click on that document, then click the image thumbnail on the…
Photos of houses in Granville, including notes on the reverse of the photo where applicable. Information is believed to be accurate but we welcome…
Recordings of Granville residents past and present, talking about life in Granville.
This Collection relates to the Granville Fire Department, Granville, Massachusetts. Most photos are from the Department's collection. You can learn…
Catalog of books and documents in the Historical Room, listed alphabetically by title or title subject.
IMPORTANT: The catalog is also searchable…
Collection of diaries, journals and daily records kept by people with Granville roots.